Skill Education
The term life skill refers to the skills we need to make the most out of
the life.Life Skills are Usually associated with managing and living a better
quality of life.They help us to accomplish our ambitions and time to our full potential.Any
Skill that is useful in our life can be considered a life skill.Tying shoe
laces,Swimming, driving a car, and using a computer are useful life skills.
of Life Skill Education
A behavior change or
behaviourdevelopment approach to address a balance of three areas, knowledge,
attitude and skill .
The abilities for adaptive and positive
behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with demands and
challenges of everyday. - WHO
Categories of Life Skills
Category I : -
Skills of knowing and living with oneself
with emotions
with stress
Category II
:-Skills of knowing and living with others
resolution and negotiation
pressure resistance
Category III
:- Skills of effective decision making
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Problem solving
Decision making
Importance of Life Skill
« It
helps to build self esteem
« It
helps to build self confidence
« It
helps to develop negotiation skills
« It
promote risk free behaviour
« It
helps to promote the state of mental well being
« It
helps to develop full potential
« It
helps to develop positive attitude towards themselves and others
« Behave
responsibility and which leads to healthy living
« It
translate knowledge, attitudes, skills and values in to action
« It
promotes the development of positive Self esteem and teacher anger control
« It
delays the onset of the abuse of tobacco
, alcohol etc
« It
helps in the development of social competence and problem solving skills
« Life
Skills help adolescents to transit successfully from childhood to adulthood by
healthy development of social and emotional skills .
Life Skill Education has
long term benefits to the society . These include educational, social, health , cultural
and economic benefits.
Educational benefits
Strengthens teacher
student relationship
Leads to desirable
behaviour change
Improve discipline in
Help learners to
improve their performance
Reduce learners
problems such as truency,
absenteism drug and
substance abuse
and teenage pregnancies
the socialisation process among
Enable learners to
choose good and reliable
Help learners to
use their leisure time proper
Assists learners to
recognise and avoid risky
Being about meaningful
interaction among learners
teachers and the social
Helps character
Health benefits
Leads to prevention and
control of diseases
such as STI,HIV and AIDS
Contributes to a
persons general well being
Leads to less strain on
health facilities
Helps people to
be responsible for their
own and other people's
Cultural benefits
Promotes harmonious
interaction between
people of different cultures
Helps in the
clarification of values in the society
Economic benefits
It leads to high
productivity due to a
motivated, strong and
energetic labour force
Rehabitation of drug
and substance abuse
Repair of damaged
By teaching learning
Components of Life Skill Education
Self awareness
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Decision making
Problem solving
Effective communication
Coping with stress
Coping with emotions
awareness : includes recognition of self and
Identifying our strengths and weakness desires and
developing self awareness can help us to recognise when we are stressed or
under pressure
:It is the ability to image what life is
like for another person.To have a society at large.We
to understand and care about other people'sneeds, desires and feelings.
thinking : It
is an ability to analyse information and experiences in an objective
manner.Critical thinkinghelps us to recognise and assess the factors that
influence attitudes and behaviour.
thinking : It is a novel way of seeing or
doing thatgenerates new ideas has a shifting perspective conceives Something
new and builds on other ideas.
making : It helps us to take appropriate
decisions about our lives.It can teach people how to actively make decisions are
likely to have.
solving : It helps us to deal constructively with
problem in our lives.
relationship skills : It helps us to
establish a rapport with the people whom we interact with.This includes being
able to make and keep friendly relationships, maintain good relations with
family members and also being able to end relationships constructively
communication : It
means that we are able to express ourselves both verbally and nonverbally.So
that our ideas are effectively transmitted to others.
with stress : It
means recognising the source of stress in our lives recognising how this
affects us and acting in ways that helps us control ourselves of stress by
changing our enviroment.
with emotions : It
means involving recognising emotions with us and others being aware of how
emotions influence behaviour and being able to respond to emotions
Methods of teaching Life
Skill Education
following are suggested methods that to teach life skill education
« Discussion
« Debate
« Role
« Storytelling
« Songs
and dances
« Miming
« Poetry
and recitals
« Games
« Question
and answer method
is a purposeful conservation proceedings towards a certain objective.Discussion involves exchange and
sharing ideas, experience facts and opinion on given topics the conservation
can be used in large or small groups
debate is a discussion which envolves two opposing parties with each group
expressing opinions in views about agiven topic or subject.
is an short drama episodes in which participants experiences how a person feels
in a similar real life situation.Role plays can be used whendeveloping specific
skills such as negotiation assertiveness, communicationand self awareness.
involve telling of naratives with particular theme based on actual event.They
given accountof detailed information about as event or life solutions In an
interesting way while still passing a normal message.
and Dances
are musical composition on topical issues and themes.They may convey messages
on contemporary issues in the society.They can be used in character building
where positive characteristics or values are reinforced.They can be used to
develop and strengther life skills for example of self awareness, communication
skills and conflict resolution.
is acting with out words by use of gestures,signs, physical movement and facial
drama the idea or situations is solely communicated through actions.
and recitals
These are compositions which capture
events themes and situations in a short and pre use manner.They communicate
feelings, opinions, habits and other experiences.They can be in form of songs,
recitations.They can be used to appeal to people's emotions to enable them
change behaviour towards a desired direction.
These are interesting and exciting
activities which have set rules.They can be used when clarifying difficult
issues enhancing the quality of interaction in a group learning and practising
new life skills increasing the participants knowledge of each other making
presentations interesting
and answer method
It is where the teacher or the learner tries to find out information
through asking questions and getting answers from the respondent.It is an
effective method of teaching life skill education because it stimulated
learners thinking and creativity.
Why do we need to teach
life skill education
Democracies need active informal and
responsible citizens who are willing and able to responsibility for themselves
and their communities and contribute to the political process.Democracies
depends upon citizens who are
« Aware of their right and responsibilities as
« Informed
about social and political issues
« Concerned
about the welfare of others
« Able
to clearly articulate their opinions and arguments
« Capable
of having an influence on the world
« Active
in their communities
« Responsible
in low they act as citizens.
Life Skills help
us to develop self confidence and successfully deals
with significant life changes and
challenges such as bullying and discrimination.It gives us a voice at school in
our community and in society at large.Life Skills used to describe a set of
basic skills acquired through learning and or direct life experience that
unable individuals and groups to effectively handle issue and problems commonly
encountered in daily life.
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